Custom Solutions

How we can we help

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Icon Engage - Custom Development Offering - Technology

End-to-end Customization

We understand that each and every business has its own unique needs, and how important it is to have a solution that meets them. No request is too big for us to handle.

Business Intelligence

Crunching numbers and trying to make sense of your data can be overwhelming. Our unique approach to reporting will do the hard work for you, freeing you up to focus on the results.

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Process Automation

We’ll help you make even the most complex processes feel like child’s play, not only improving the way you do business, but saving you time, too!

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Cross Device Solutions

Our solutions aren’t limited to a single device type. You don’t want to be stuck to your desk all day, and we’ll make sure it doesn’t happen!

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Services can be seamlessly integrated so you can have everything you need right at your finger tips.

How we do it

To be able to offer you the solutions we do, we leverage the state of the art capabilities of the Microsoft Power Suite.

How it works

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Initial Meeting

We’ll get an idea of what it is you’re looking for.

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Idea Mapping

We’ll head to our drawing board and map out the key aspects from our initial chat.

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Growth and Prioritization

We break down the key aspects into small parts and assign a priority level to them.

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Design and Engineering

This is where the magic happens, and where we bring your ideas to life!

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In House Testing

We’ll test every aspect of your new solution to make sure everything runs the way we’ve intended.

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User Testing

We release the solution to a few of your team members to iron out any teething issues.

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Your team will have full access to your brand-new solution, and we’ll even fire off a few confetti canons to celebrate!

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Once your team has had a little while to get comfortable with the solution, you might find that they’re bursting with exciting new features to add.